Boston's Weekly Dig Prints Two Mock Covers for 2012 Election
october 31, 2008 02:52 pm
Boston's Weekly Dig published two covers this week in advance of the 2008 presidential election using the look and feel of the two local dailies, the Boston Herald and Boston Globe. The cover lines predicted the headlines for 2012, four years into each prospective administration.
The result has been nothing short of confusion, suggested lawsuits and complete, well, confusion.
A local reader, spotted staring blankly into a Weekly Dig street box in Downtown Crossing, said today, "What the fuck is this? The Globe fucking dropped their rag in the Dig box? What the fuck?"
According to managing editor Laura Dargus, the idea was simply to provide some humor and provocation to this overwrought presidential election. "I'm so sick of this already, so it seemed natural to just move beyond 2008 and have fun with 2012 before it, too, becomes overdone," said Dargus.
When asked about the creative direction for the covers, creative director Tak Toyoshima said, "What? What do you mean? This week's cover has a gay butterfly on it riding a motorcycle."
Publisher/editor Jeff Lawrence was unavailable -- unsurprisingly --for comment.
Founded in 1999, published every Wednesday and available free at over 1,000 locations, the Weekly Dig is still Boston's only humor, news and nightlife publication.