Boston's Weekly Dig Announces Big, Big, Big Editorial Changes

january 9, 2007  07:31 pm
Boston's Weekly Dig Announces Big, Big, Big Editorial Changes
Joe Keohane is the guy on the right

BOSTON, MA (January 8, 2007) -- Boston's Weekly Dig announced today that Editor Joe Keohane will be stepping down in February and music/food/commerce editor Michael Brodeur will be appointed to the top job.

Keohane, who is leaving to write full-time, worked as a columnist for the Dig for two years before being named editor in 2003, and presided over a period of explosive growth for the now-award-winning alt-weekly.

"I came in here not knowing my ass from a hole in the ground," Keohane says. "Now I know slightly more, and I'm hoping to convert that knowledge into vast freelance wealth. Running this zoo has been enormously fun, but I've always said that turnover is key to keeping an alt-weekly fresh, and Brodeur's the guy for the job."

Michael Brodeur, for his part, is looking forward to the challenge.

"The idea of leading the Dig into its next phase, especially after the explosive growth and creativity the paper experienced under Keohane is at once thrilling and terrifying," Brodeur says. "But then again, that's how I felt about waxing at first and now look at me! No, seriously, look."

Keohane added, "Yeah … did I mention Brodeur's gay?"

Jeff Lawrence, President of the Dig noted, "Joe knew from the day he was hired we'd need to get rid of him sooner than later. And to be honest, after I watched him eat an entire can of chickpeas for lunch one time, I was hoping sooner. Still, he's been a hugely important part of our growth and transition into the best weekly in Boston, and we wish him well."

The Dig also announced that award-winning staff writer Paul McMorrow will be promoted to News and Features Editor, and that Jim Stanton, a bona fide web genius and longtime Dig associate, has been hired to rehabilitate the paper's disastrously bad website. Furthermore, the paper has signed writer Cintra Wilson, dubbed "The Dorothy Parker of the cyber age," to contribute a savage semimonthly celebrity column. The first one will run in the January 24 issue.

Kathleen McGhee
Phone: (617) 426-8942 ext 235
Fax: (617) 426-8944