Boston Phoenix’s Adam Reilly to Revive Weekly Media Column
november 2, 2006 08:40 am
November 1, 2006
Clif Garboden
Senior Managing Editor
Phoenix Newspaper Group
BOSTON--The Boston Phoenix announced today that Phoenix political reporter Adam Reilly will, as of next week’s issue, take over the paper’s media column, “Don’t Quote Me.” The weekly column, which has been dormant since the departure of media critic Mark Jurkowitz earlier this year, will offer analytical looks at local and national media sources of all types and the overall business of media.
Adam Reilly joined the Phoenix in 2003, and has been responsible for most of the paper’s state political coverage as well as for dogging candidates of all sorts around New England in local and national elections.
Reilly is a 1994 graduate of Carleton College with a master’s degree from Harvard Divinity School, and the winner of seven New England Press Association (NEPA) Awards — five for his work at North Shore Sunday, in Danvers, Massachusetts, and two for pieces published in the Boston Phoenix. His background also includes a stint as author Jim Carroll’s research assistant on the controversial Holocaust treatise Constantine’s Sword and a job with the former Yugoslavian edition of Let’s Go.
“Don’t Quote Me” has been an ongoing Phoenix feature since it was initiated, primarily as a local media-gossip column, in the mid 1970s by the late Dave O’Brian. Since that time, the column has evolved into a longer-form version devoted to in-depth looks at media trends and critiques of mainstream-press coverage. In addition to O’Brian and Jurkowitz (who’s now associate director of the Project for Excellence in Journalism in Washington, DC) the column was, for many years, written by longtime Phoenix senior staffer Dan Kennedy, currently teaching journalism at Northeastern University in Boston.