Surpasses 25,000-Story Mark
By AAN Staff
september 27, 2007 05:38 pm
It took us a little more than 40 months, but yesterday, the 25,000th story was posted to AAN's collaborative news site. While we'd love to say the milestone was marked with one of the in-depth investigations our members are so well-known for, alas, the 25,000th story was
a recipe for "Drunken Cherries" from Philadelphia Weekly. It's true: it takes all kinds, especially here at AAN, but perhaps it's fitting that the milestone was marked by a food story, considering
alt-weeklies' domination of food-writing awards over the past few years. Either way, there's plenty of content on, be it about politics, food, or whatever else you may be into. "I'm not usually big on milestones, but this one is significant to me because it shows the real development of as a deep, valuable resource for readers and for editors," says AAN senior editor Jon Whiten.