AltWeeklies Wire

Post 'Post-Intelligencer'new

As Seattle's oldest daily newspaper braces for a likely print shutdown, the staff hatches plans, the suits huddle, and a digital future looms.
Seattle Weekly  |  Rick Anderson  |  03-02-2009  |  Media

Could Bill Gates Be the Seattle Post-Intelligencer's White Knight?new

If the Seattle P-I is to survive as a newspaper, it would seem to require a charitable and innovative billionaire. We happen to have a couple of those handy — and Bill Gates seems the more likely of the two.
Seattle Weekly  |  Rick Anderson  |  02-10-2009  |  Media

Mark Powell's War on Errornew

For one man, every typo is a mini-Watergate. Just ask the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Seattle Weekly  |  Jesse Froehling  |  09-22-2008  |  Media

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