AltWeeklies Wire

Why VOD is Inevitable

Video on Demand is already poised serve the full spectrum of Hollywood, foreign, and independent films.
City Pulse  |  Cole Smithey  |  07-10-2010  |  Movies

Whose Turn is It Now? The 2010 Oscar Race

You can practically already hear Academy Award producers shouting, after the fact, "Whose idea was this?" about changes in the ceremony that are doomed to be criticized for months after the last statue is handed out.
City Pulse  |  Cole Smithey  |  02-25-2010  |  Movies

The 2008 Alternative Fall Film Preview

There's no question that autumn is the best season for movies. While most audiences will only see a few titles from the list of 120 movies distributed between Labor Day and Christmas, alt weekly readers tend to be a more ravenous bunch of filmgoers, cramming in excess of twenty movies in the last four months of the year.
Maui Time  |  Cole Smithey  |  08-18-2008  |  Movies

New Values: Corruption and Death in Cannes

The big movies at Cannes this year treated the subject of corruption, from betrayal of personal ethics for cash to systematic governmental abuse, with cinematic inoculations of hope for an equalizing justice for humanity.
Maui Time  |  Cole Smithey  |  05-25-2008  |  Movies

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