AltWeeklies Wire

The Mae Shi is Like Los Angeles: Sprawling, Vast, Dynamicnew

The Mae Shi is the sort of group that can lose a lead singer (in this case founding member Ezra Buchla) but remain comfortably intact, enlisting a brand-new member (Jonathan Gray) to yelp into the mic without losing its manic stride.
New York Press  |  Greg Burgett  |  07-17-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Mae Shi's Communal Testimonynew

"There's an ongoing saying in the band that if someone doesn't lay an idea out, someone else will end up forcing it out of them," says the Mae Shi's Jacob Cooper.
The Portland Mercury  |  Ned Lannamann  |  04-24-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

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