AltWeeklies Wire
How Do You Smell 200 Things at Once? Drink Winenew
The average human detects 2,000 smells, and experts estimate that there are 200 smells in wine. Compare that to only four tastes, and you can see that wine-tasting should really be called wine-smelling. So why do we rely so much on taste?
C-Ville Weekly |
Megan Headley |
09-30-2009 |
Why Air Fresheners Stinknew

Evidence suggests the use of common household air fresheners is causing more harm than good to indoor air quality.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Adrienne Beattie |
11-13-2008 |
Smell? What smell?new
Examining the decisions of a local air quality board in North Carolina reveals statewide problems with influence, laws and enforcement.
Mountain Xpress |
Steve Rasmussen |
07-23-2004 |