AltWeeklies Wire

Heath in Heatnew

For a period farce, you could do worse than this sweet, silly, and intelligent romantic comedy.
Cleveland Scene  |  Melissa Levine  |  01-06-2006  |  Reviews

History's Horndog Rides Againnew

Hallstrom's latest is fine but unambitious, content with being an arthouse trifle with tricorner hats, corsets, and powdered wigs.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marrit Ingman  |  01-05-2006  |  Reviews

Holiday Round-Upnew

Aussie slasher Wolf Creek and sexless period piece Casanova are among the many holiday releases to read about before seeing.
Montreal Mirror  |  Matthew Hays, Sarah Rowland and Mark Slutsky  |  12-27-2005  |  Movies

Rake's Progressnew

Casanova has cleaned up his act in Lasse Hallstrom’s engaging romantic-comedy version of his life; he's tamed down the debauchery to a tepid but bawdy "R" and learned to respect women and family values.
Boston Phoenix  |  Peter Keough  |  12-23-2005  |  Reviews

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