AltWeeklies Wire

Healing for Musiciansnew

Through Nuci's Space, any musician in Athens, Ga. can get psychological counseling for $10 a session.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  02-23-2006  |  Commentary

The Odd Couplenew

The newly appointed MARTA chairman isn't fazed by a state representative's ire against Atlanta transit company's management.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  02-15-2006  |  Commentary

Voter Fraud Made Easynew

Under Georgia law, people no longer have to give a reason to cast an absentee ballot, such as being disabled or planning to be out of the precinct on Election Day.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  02-02-2006  |  Commentary

Road Hog Suppernew

Georgians for Better Transportation, a lobbying group representing powerful highwaymen, brings K Street extravagance to Atlanta.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  01-19-2006  |  Politics

Death With Dignitynew

When he died, Hugh Spake didn't want an announcement in the paper, but this isn't an announcement -- it's a salute.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  01-12-2006  |  Commentary

Protege Turns Porn Promoternew

A polite sports writer first learns to be a boxing inspector, then moves on to "So You Wanna be a Porn Star?"
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  12-15-2005  |  Commentary

Some Homeless Women Still Can't Find Shelternew

In two weeks, the federal government stops paying to help the Katrina evacuees in our midst. Many of them will be on the streets, too.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  11-23-2005  |  Commentary

Another Misstep in the Stumbling World of Journalismnew

Last month, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution made a stunning announcement: The paper's editorial board would not endorse candidates in Atlanta's elections.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  11-10-2005  |  Commentary

When Will Leaders Learn More Highways Aren't the Answer?new

A man who may become Georgia's next lieutenant governor thinks we ought to keep widening roads. "As long as Georgians have a love affair with their vehicles, we've got to widen the roads," Republican Casey Cagle said at a recent candidate forum.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  10-27-2005  |  Commentary

Think Katrina Was Bad? Try an Avian Flu Pandemicnew

Politicians in Washington are beginning to wake up to the terrifying realization that a flu pandemic in America could wipe out a third of the population.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  10-13-2005  |  Commentary

Mayor Launches Her Campaign With a Vow to Fight Voter Purgenew

Shirley Franklin, the only well-known Georgian running for office this year, has a bully pulpit. She alone can draw attention to the travesty of Georgia's voter purge.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  09-15-2005  |  Politics

Libertarian Candidate Blasts Boortz/Linder Plannew

Allen Buckley says the fair tax is a sham. Last week, he called Neal Boortz to discuss the fair tax on the air. Boortz hung up on him.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  09-01-2005  |  Commentary

In the Drive to Avert Nuclear Catastrophe, Is Anybody Listening?new

A year before 9/11, Ted Turner wanted to talk about bankrolling former U.S. Sen. Sam Nunn to try to save the world from nuclear terrorism.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  08-25-2005  |  Commentary

Avoiding Bart Simpson's Candy Bingesnew

One writer discusses the ups and downs of child obesity.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  08-18-2005  |  Commentary

Art Arrives Wrapped in a Southern Accentnew

Doug Monroe observes the beauty of a hometown poet's work read in his Southern accent.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  08-04-2005  |  Commentary

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