AltWeeklies Wire

Rod Lurie Makes a Political Thriller for Our Times

Clearly inspired by Judith Miller's role in the Valerie Plame case, writer/director Rod Lurie takes dramatic liberties to allow for a provocative treatment of an ongoing battle for civil liberties exacted in the name of national security.
City Pulse  |  Cole Smithey  |  01-05-2009  |  Reviews

Let it Leaknew

Reporters are calling for a federal shield law.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Krista Walton  |  05-19-2006  |  Media

Joe Wilson's Americanew

The former diplomat and husband of outed CIA agent Valerie Plame talks about ideological extremists and the politics of personal destruction.
Good Times Santa Cruz  |  Bill Forman  |  04-25-2006  |  Politics

Coffee Tawk With Maureen Dowdnew

The star New York Times columnist chats about Judy "Miss Run Amok" Miller, blogs and Bush's nannies.
Austin Chronicle  |  Wells Dunbar  |  11-10-2005  |  Media

Scooter, Judy Miller and The New York Timesnew

A Sunday New York Times report portrays Times management's uneasy and sometimes undisciplined relationship with a controversial reporter who put the paper's reputation and credibility on the line.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mark Jurkowitz  |  10-17-2005  |  Media

War, Lies and E-Mailnew

The public won't understand what happened in the Valerie Plame case unless or until prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald announces the results of his inquiry and explains in detail the process and path of his investigation.
The Village Voice  |  Sydney H. Schanberg  |  07-20-2005  |  Media

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