AltWeeklies Wire

Videogame Mentality: Action Post Card from Paris Self-Destructs

As with Spaghetti Westerns and sit-coms, you know they've jumped the shark when the tone turns to self-mockery. So it is that in one fell swoop John Travolta and suicide bombers have bid audiences their valediction.
City Pulse  |  Cole Smithey  |  02-01-2010  |  Reviews

Kill Skills: 'Taken'new

In Taken, Liam Neeson kicks so much ass. How much? Well, imagine the exact amount of ass-kicking you think is enough, plus even more. Now double it.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Jonathan Kiefer  |  01-28-2009  |  Reviews

Escape from Parisnew

A new French import proves cinematic butt-kicking is a universal language.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Chris Herrington  |  06-16-2006  |  Reviews

Plot With Explosions!new

The French have made an excellent action film. Who knew?
Tucson Weekly  |  James DiGiovanna  |  06-15-2006  |  Reviews

Ass-Kicking en Francaisnew

District B13 is everything an unassuming genre picture should be -- fast, funny, unpretentious, possessed of a feisty political subtext, and primed at a moment's notice for megaton ass-kicking.
Nashville Scene  |  Jim Ridley  |  06-14-2006  |  Reviews

Pol Vault

The movie, for all its gleeful violence, also packs a social conscience.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  06-02-2006  |  Reviews

Run Wild, Run Freenew

This French import is not big on plot exposition, instead focusing on its finely wrought action momentum, which moves ever forward with rushing exhilaration.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marjorie Baumgarten  |  06-02-2006  |  Reviews

French Connectionnew

France's District B13 delivers U.S.-style action.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Curt Holman  |  06-01-2006  |  Reviews

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