AltWeeklies Wire

Husband-and-Wife Duo Jucifer Are no Sonny and Chernew

At every Jucifer show, a very tall and very, very loud wall of amps stand sentinel behind the band, floor to ceiling -- stacked neatly at some shows, haphazardly arranged on top of each other at others. That wall of amps is not simply loud -- it's practically the third member of the band.
The Inlander  |  Leah Sottile  |  10-07-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Jucifer's Use of Extremes is Inherent to its Wholenew

Major stylistic shifts are abound in just about all of this two-piece act's recordings. The music suddenly shifts from the calm and free-flowing melody of shoegaze to the harsh brutality of noise or metal. But it always feels as if this dynamism has a rationale.
East Bay Express  |  Nick Schwab  |  09-02-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Smash-Riff-Bash Stoner Rocknew

Surrounded by mountains of amps stacked and cranked to unhealthy levels, Jucifer can shatter the fibulas of most modern-metal fans by feedback alone.
Cleveland Scene  |  D.X. Ferris  |  09-11-2006  |  Reviews

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