AltWeeklies Wire
Fancy Footworknew
Jet Li's final martial-arts epic is fittingly peripatetic, finding the Hong Kong superstar ricocheting across the screen from action set-piece to emotional overload and back again.
Austin Chronicle |
Marc Savlov |
09-28-2006 |
Tags: Ronny Yu, Jet Li's Fearless
Jet Li Bows Outnew
Touted as his last foray into martial-arts movies, Fearless is a Jet Li stunner.
Orlando Weekly |
Jason Ferguson |
09-25-2006 |
Tags: Ronny Yu, Jet Li's Fearless
A Grand Martial Arts Finale
Jet Li's Fearless isn't just a martial arts movie; it is a truly great one.
Tags: Ronny Yu, Jet Li's Fearless