AltWeeklies Wire
The Vignettes in 'Act of God' are a Random as Lightning Bolts Themselvesnew
Jennifer Baichwal skips from Canada to France to Mexico, never explaining who her subjects are or arguing why their near-death experiences should be linked. It's just a haphazard travelogue of terror, like 33 Short Films About Glenn Gould Being Struck by Lightning.
Seattle Weekly |
Brian Miller |
11-02-2009 |
Visually Stunning Documentary Captures the Big Picture of Chinese Industrynew
Nothing illustrates the monstrosity of globalized commerce more vividly than the lateral tracking shot that opens Jennifer Baichwal’s mesmerizing documentary Manufactured Landscapes.
Nashville Scene |
Jim Ridley |
09-24-2007 |
'Manufactured Landscapes': Terra Infirmanew
Documentary exposes China's industrial disease.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Felicia Feaster |
08-23-2007 |
'Manufactured Landscapes': Why Your iPhone Is Destroying the Environmentnew
If the theme to this documentary is how we reshape nature to suit industry, one of the more eloquent and damning images is simply that of a female factory worker's hands rendered in close-up.
Seattle Weekly |
Brian Miller |
07-16-2007 |
Brutal Beautynew
Baichwal talks about her enthralling expose of the modern industrial revolution, as seen through the epic photography of Edward Burtynsky.
Montreal Mirror |
Mark Slutsky |
12-15-2006 |
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