AltWeeklies Wire
A Movie Experiencenew
Beowulf in 3-D provides one of the coolest cinematic adventures in years.
Tucson Weekly |
Bob Grimm |
11-21-2007 |
Tags: Beowulf, Robert Zemeckis
Zemeckis, Computers: 1; Critic: 0new
Boy, was I prepared to hate the sword-and-sandals out of this movie.
San Antonio Current |
Brian Villalobos |
11-21-2007 |
Tags: Beowulf, Robert Zemeckis
'Beowulf': Dead Men Walkingnew
It would be unfair to call the soulless, heartless and corporate Beowulf pornographic. Pornography, at least, attempts to engage us, if only on a level of animal instinct.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Maryann Johanson |
11-20-2007 |
Tags: Beowulf, Robert Zemeckis
Beowulf: Cooler Than 10th Grade English!new
Director Robert Zemeckis' vision of the Old English epic is mostly notable for two things: (A) It's all CG, and (B), it features a naked Angelina Jolie.
The Portland Mercury |
Erik Henriksen |
11-15-2007 |
Tags: Beowulf, Robert Zemeckis