AltWeeklies Wire

Adam Sandler Demonstrates How Far He's Fallen Since 'Happy Gilmore'new

Beginning encouragingly with a bit of charming stupid-funny, You Don't Mess with the Zohan rapidly disintegrates into blank-staring, brain-cell-destroying inanity, alighting, occasionally, on the rarest flowers of slap-yourself-on-the-forehead-because-it's-so-stupid funny and then, about 12 minutes into the two-hour-long slog, it settles into illimitably stupefying, comatose-inducing and transcendentally dimwitted, anti-funny.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Emiliano Garcia-Sarnoff  |  06-13-2008  |  Reviews

Adam Sandler's Latest Has Good Intentionsnew

In terms of laughs per minute, You Don't Mess With the Zohan is notably funnier than most films about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
Tucson Weekly  |  James DiGiovanna  |  06-11-2008  |  Reviews

Adam Sandler is No Jewish Superheronew

Nothing sticks beyond the notion of Adam Sandler as Zohan, a super-efficient commando in Israel's Mossad. Not even Zohan's pacifism makes much impression; it's a momentary shtick that sets up gags rather than character motivation.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  06-05-2008  |  Reviews

A Defense of Adam Sandlernew

I will argue that, beneath their frat-house veneer, Sandler's movies are as clever and heartfelt as Judd Apatow's -- and that he is the bigger influence on today's Hollywood comedies, including those made by his old roomie.
Seattle Weekly  |  Mike Seely  |  04-14-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Chuck & Larry' Pretend to be Gay & Turn Out to be Humanistsnew

I wanted to hate I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, truly I did.
L.A. Weekly  |  Ella Taylor  |  07-20-2007  |  Reviews

'Chuck & Larry': Bosom Buddiesnew

An odd couple explores mainstream fears about gays.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  07-19-2007  |  Reviews

Gigglin' at Garbagenew

The Benchwarmers is idiotic and gross--yet childishly funny.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  04-12-2006  |  Reviews

Criminally Unfunnynew

Rob Schneider and David Spade welcome Jon Heder into the fraternity of comic actors who will never again enjoy a shred of credibility.
Orlando Weekly  |  Steve Schneider  |  04-06-2006  |  Reviews

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