AltWeeklies Wire

Pissed Jeans Sound Hardcore but Have a Gooey Centernew

It's the sound of '80s hardcore punk all grown up, with a halfway decent job and maybe a kid or two; the anger is gone, but Pissed Jeans are still in love with hardcore's sound and energy, so instead of concocting rage for its own sake, the band sings about regular life without turning down any of the volume.
The Portland Mercury  |  Ned Lannamann  |  08-20-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Pissed Jeans Shed Office Life With Controlled Aggressionnew

Some people relieve 9-to-5 desperation by smashing the office printer with a baseball bat or, say, blowing up the corporate headquarters of credit-card companies with homemade dynamite. Pissed Jeans plays music -- delirious, fast and loud.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Nathan Dinsdale  |  08-12-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

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