AltWeeklies Wire
'Whatever Works' Hardly Worksnew
In addition to the film's skeevy May-December romance, Woody Allen displays breathtaking condescension to Southerners that makes him seem utterly parochial, despite his recent productions in Europe.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Curt Holman |
07-07-2009 |
'Whatever Works': Confessions of a Cranky Misanthropenew
Though Larry David makes for a good Woody Allen avatar, consider our enthusiasm for Whatever Works curbed.
Austin Chronicle |
Marjorie Baumgarten |
07-03-2009 |
With 'Whatever Works,' Woody Allen Announces His Demise
Here's a movie that feels thrown together, as if Allen is attempting to purge as many films as he can before he shuffles off his mortal coil. His legacy is going in an emotionally threadbare direction.
City Pulse |
Cole Smithey |
06-15-2009 |
Woody Allen on Life, Actors, Younger Women and His 40th Filmnew
Allen's Whatever Works marks the realization of a project he first conceived in the 1970s as a vehicle for Zero Mostel, then set aside following the actor's untimely death. The result is a light comic burlesque -- a minor key but eminently pleasurable Allen confection
L.A. Weekly |
Scott Foundas |
06-12-2009 |
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