AltWeeklies Wire

The Real Paul Ryannew

Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan got booed at the AARP meeting last week while he tried to explain that his plan for Medicare—and his desire to repeal Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA)—would actually help seniors.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  09-27-2012  |  Politics

Dead Heatnew

In their tight U.S. Senate race, Flake and Carmona spar over the environment, Medicare
Tucson Weekly  |  Jim Nintzel  |  09-20-2012  |  Elections

Yes, I Can (Balance the Budget)

Theoretical budget-balancing exercises help enlighten us about where our taxdollars really go. So let's roll up our sleeves and start some back-of-the-envelope slashing.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-11-2010  |  Commentary

Think You Know John McCain?new

Last week, only one senator failed to vote on a bill that would prevent pay cuts for doctors who take care of 44 million Medicare patients—older Americans, those with disabilities and military families.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  07-18-2008  |  Commentary

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