AltWeeklies Wire
How Scott Brown Was Able to Win in Massachusettsnew

As the Massachusetts U.S. Senate election unfolded, all that the pols and pundits wanted to talk about was how Martha Coakley managed to lose the race. But there is another part of the story, and that is how Scott Brown managed to win it. To pull off this kind of upset, a lot of things have to go right.
Boston Phoenix |
David Bernstein |
01-20-2010 |
Kennedy's Giant Shadownew
Though he won't be on the ballot, Ted Kennedy's influence will be keenly felt in the special election to replace him.
Boston Phoenix |
David Bernstein |
09-03-2009 |
Who Will Replace Ted Kennedy in the Senate?new

The death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy early Wednesday morning hastens the issue of succession to the seat he has held since he was elected in 1962, a topic that has gripped the state's political class since Kennedy's brain tumor was discovered more than a year ago.
Boston Phoenix |
David S. Bernstein |
08-27-2009 |
The Race to be Boston's Number Twonew
City councilors Sam Yoon and Michael Flaherty are battling to bring change to Boston. Can Mayor Menino be moved?
Boston Phoenix |
David Bernstein |
08-12-2009 |