AltWeeklies Wire

'A Rebel Life' Remembers Molly Ivinsnew

In First Son: George W. Bush and the Bush Family, Bill Minutaglio deciphered Dubya's career as a campaign of filial devotion and rebellion. Turning now to Bush's spunkiest critic, Minutaglio interprets Ivins as similarly driven by resentment toward her overbearing, overachieving father.
San Antonio Current  |  Steven G. Kellman  |  10-21-2009  |  Nonfiction

Populist Pundit Molly Ivins Rides Herd on Washington's Big Dogsnew

Molly Ivins doesn't believe in conspiracy theories, but she does believe that there is such a thing as outrageous chutzpah. In an interview, she gives her take on political namecalling, Bush's use of the Christian right, new overtime rules and political advertising by 527 organizations.
Creative Loafing (Tampa)  |  David Bramer  |  09-14-2004  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Unsinkable Mollynew

Although Molly Ivins’s new book is being cast as a "retrospective," she expects to find plenty more chicken-fried nincompoopery to laugh at in the years to come. A Q&A with Ivins.
Boston Phoenix  |  Tamara Wieder  |  07-22-2004  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

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