AltWeeklies Wire

Where Can I Find Comic Books?new

I went to four stores in one week, and in every single one, overgrown boys stood gloomily talking about girls—their problems with, their fantasies about. I also saw things strange and beautiful, thought-provoking and challenging and perhaps even the opposite of cliché.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Clea Hantman  |  01-13-2010  |  Books

The Midwest's First Celebration of all Things Yaoi: Where the Screaming Never Stopsnew

Yaoi (pronounced "yowee") is stories of beautiful, deeply emotional boys who are desperately in love with each other. One can find these erotic tales in Japanese comic books or watch the animated versions on DVDs that are sold at mainstream bookstores.
Riverfront Times  |  Aimee Levitt  |  12-11-2009  |  Books

"DearS" season

Peach-Pit's new alien school girl manga's no where near creative as the artist's or artists' names
Columbus Alive  |  J. Caleb Mozzocco  |  01-20-2005  |  Fiction

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