AltWeeklies Wire » Books » A Tragic Legacy: How a Good vs. Evil Mentality Destroyed the Bush Presidency
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A Simple Mind Run Amoknew
Greenwald identifies the victims of the Bush presidency, the harm they have suffered, and how that harm continues to be inflicted. He discusses the accomplices who have made it possible for a president with no electoral mandate to use the irrational, and now seriously diminished, support he gained from the events of 9/11 to do so much damage.
The Texas Observer |
Thomas Palaima |
11-19-2007 |
Worst President Ever: Here's Why
Greenwald's thesis, simply put, is that Bush's simplistic good vs. evil dualism is fundamentally at odds with America's political traditions.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
07-12-2007 |