AltWeeklies Wire
Can This Auto-Tune Trend Just Stop Already?new

Ah, Auto-Tune -- the newest tool for artists to enhance their vocals. Due to this item, quite a few rappers have recently decided they can sing all of the sudden.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Craig D. Lindsey |
09-22-2008 |
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Million-Dollar Smilenew
After seven years of scuffling on the hip-hop scene in Houston, Paul Wall is having his day.
Houston Press |
John Nova Lomax |
09-26-2005 |
Profiles & Interviews
T.I. and Lil' Flip Rumble in Houstonnew
One of the great rap feuds of recent years came to a head at a joint in Houston.
Houston Press |
John Nova Lomax |
04-11-2005 |
Tags: rappers, Various Rap Artists
Beats and Piecesnew
One of RJD2's goals when he set out to create his second solo record, this year's Since We Last Spoke, was to pull the building-blocks of his tracks from new and different places.
Cleveland Scene |
Steve Boughton |
09-27-2004 |
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