AltWeeklies Wire

The Year of Staying In: In Lean Times, TV is a Saving Gracenew

You've got to laugh to keep from crying, and in 2009, as bad news streamed constantly on the cable news channels, I valued sitcoms more than ever. Thank God there were comedies worthy of our time.
INDY Week  |  Danny Hooley  |  12-31-2009  |  TV

'Dexter' is Killing Us Softly with Slaughternew

You know a show has gotten under your skin when it begins to trigger nightmares. That's the case with Showtime's Dexter, now winding up its third season after building, with frustrating slowness, its intertwined partnership narratives revolving around serial killer-turned-crime fighter Dexter Morgan.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Kimberly Chun  |  12-04-2008  |  TV

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