AltWeeklies Wire
A Different Kind of No-Tell Motelnew
In this horror film, three backpackers check in to the wrong hostel where, unbeknownst to them, very bad things happen from dusk till dawn.
Austin Chronicle |
Marc Savlov |
01-13-2006 |
Cinema for Sadistsnew
Despite a botched ending, Hostel is a horrifying, thrilling torture flick.
Tucson Weekly |
Bob Grimm |
01-12-2006 |
Hittin' the Entrails

Though the most dogged of gorehounds may find the film's uncynical conclusion hard to stomach, it suggests the film has some purpose besides being the most sickening morning-after movie ever -- perhaps even a timely one.
Washington City Paper |
Brent Burton |
01-06-2006 |