AltWeeklies Wire
UCSB Gets Grant to Manipulate Electron Spinnew
Diamonds may be a key to revolutionizing the field of communications, according to researchers at the California NanoSystems Institute at UCSB, who just won a $6.1 million government grant to pursue diamond-based quantum information processing.
Santa Barbara Independent |
Benjamin Gottlieb |
04-20-2009 |
Report Says Prison Phone Companies Still Gouging Familiesnew
Phone companies providing jail service depict happy scenarios on their websites. A recent report suggests the situation may not be so rosy for inmates’ families.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
01-29-2009 |
Crime & Justice
400 Channels and Nothing For Us?
Public access TV and a lot more is at stake if big telcos have their way with local cable laws.