AltWeeklies Wire

Forget Reform: '9-12' Protesters Want a Revolution Against Gov'tnew

Don Rodgers is the driving force behind a local group that came together in March under the auspices of the so-called 9-12 Project, the brainchild of Glenn Beck, whose rants put Obama at the center of a vast conspiracy to steal freedom from hard-working Americans.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Anthony Lane  |  09-10-2009  |  Media

Lessons from the Henry Louis Gates Casenew

Profiling appears to be a universal experience in nonwhite America. The clowns who toss coats and car keys are no Klansmen, of course, just grotesque boors who have no idea of the damage done when one brain-dead gesture robs another person of his dignity.
INDY Week  |  Hal Crowther  |  08-28-2009  |  Race & Class

Admit It: You Hate the Cops, Too

The Gates incident has illuminated some basic, strange assumptions about our society. Cops think they have a constitutional right to be treated deferentially. And black people think cops are nice to white people. Yeah, well, take it from a white guy: we don't like cops either.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  07-29-2009  |  Race & Class

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