AltWeeklies Wire

Real Housewives of OC Trend Goes Global. But Why?new

Starting on Thursday, Danish Hollywood Wives (or Danske Hollywoodfruar) will air in Denmark, in Danish. And that will be one more country that real OC residents can't visit without having to explain that, no, we aren't all rich, and no, we don't all hang out with movie stars.
OC Weekly  |  Megan Brescini  |  04-07-2010  |  TV

Stage Prodigy-Turned-Filmmaker Drake Doremus Brings 'Douchebag' to Sundancenew

Shoestring productions of personal stories such as that of Douchebag are exactly what Sundance co-founder Robert Redford was talking about at the previous day’s opening press conference, where he vowed the festival had returned to its roots of presenting groundbreaking new voices.
OC Weekly  |  Matt Coker  |  02-09-2010  |  Reviews

Rocky Costanzo, Founder of LifeLine Entertainment, Can't Quit His Day Jobnew

Chances are you've never heard of Costanzo or Amhurst. Yet, at age 34, Costanzo and the company he heads have made four feature films, all available on (and direct-to) DVD.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  05-15-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Best (and Worst) at the Newport Beach Film Festivalnew

Many of this year's selections center on the idea of the unlikely hero: From the out-of-shape failure who rises to face a mighty foe (305, Big Man Japan) to unheralded real-life heroes like Max Lesnik and Barney Rosset, this is the year of protagonists who are more than they seem to be at first glance.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  04-29-2008  |  Movies

Owen Wilson Is a Bad Fit for an Ass-Kicking Bodyguard in 'Drillbit Taylor'new

Let's be clear here: Owen Wilson can be awesome. Paired with brother Luke or Jackie Chan, he's the man. But the key is "paired" -- left to fend for himself, he's as out of his league as a solo leading man.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  03-25-2008  |  Reviews

Double Featurenew

How the Holechek Brothers' 305 went from hit YouTube short to full-length film.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  03-04-2008  |  Movies

Spartan Laughs to be Had in 'Meet the Spartans'new

To directors Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, there is no joke so lame it can't be repeated.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  01-29-2008  |  Reviews

Asian Sex Tourism is at the Forefront of 'Holly'new

What gives Holly its strength is that it's a well-told story that doesn't belabor the point with cheap music cues or David Fincher-esque grungy sets.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  11-27-2007  |  Reviews

Enter Poormannew

Life's a (bikini) beach for KDOC's returning late-night host.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  11-14-2007  |  TV

Director Justin Lin Makes Bruce Lee ... Comedy?new

The Better Luck Tomorrow director creates his first comedy, a mockumentary supposedly unearthed from the '70s about the completion of Bruce Lee's final film Game of Death, completed with rather obvious body doubles when Lee died after only 40 minutes of footage had been shot.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  10-30-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Amanda Bynes Updates Another Classic But Why?new

You might expect a college comedy version of Snow White to be a bit risqué, a bit older-skewing, maybe tailored for the actual college crowd, but it’s actually a more toned-down and kid-friendly version of the Grimms’ tale than even Walt Disney’s animated version.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  09-26-2007  |  Reviews

Why 'Torture Porn' Isn'tnew

Critics who can damn sure tell the difference between Basic Instinct and actual pornography seem unable to make the distinction between fantasy and reality when it comes to some of the best contemporary horror movies.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  09-11-2007  |  Movies

'Right At Your Door': Duct and Coverednew

The movie is so intense for most of its running time that the contrived conclusion may leave you scratching your head rather than desperately reaching for the Valium.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  08-28-2007  |  Reviews

'Death at a Funeral': Be Not Proudnew

Frank Oz's latest is only mildly funnier than an actual funeral.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  08-21-2007  |  Reviews

The Los Angeles Film Festival: Coming Soonnew

In the last days of the festival, a glimpse of the year's filmic future.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  07-17-2007  |  Movies

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