AltWeeklies Wire

Young and Homeless in New Orleansnew

As foster kids ‘age out’ of the system, many of them end up on the streets.
Gambit  |  Della Hasselle and Alex Woodward  |  12-11-2015  |  Homelessness

Medical Marijuana in Louisiana: When?new

The state approves medical marijuana for some illnesses — but prescriptions are years away.
Gambit  |  Alex Woodward  |  07-27-2015  |  Drugs

Same-Sex Marriage Comes to Louisiananew

After the U.S. Supreme Court decision, New Orleans saw its first gay weddings.
Gambit  |  Kevin Allman, Jeanie Riess, Charles Cody Siler and Alex Woodward  |  07-06-2015  |  LGBT

The Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Can Bring On Depression, PTSDnew

Mental health experts warn that the stories and images from the federal flood can be harmful.
Gambit  |  Jeanie Riess  |  06-23-2015  |  Health

Abused … Then Evictednew

Victims of domestic violence in Louisiana often deal with eviction as well. A new law aims to help them
Gambit  |  Alex Woodward  |  05-06-2015  |  The War on Women


The uncertain future Honduran immigrant children face in New Orleans.
Gambit  |  Kari Dequine Harden  |  12-05-2014  |  Immigration

Uber’s Bumpy Start in New Orleansnew

During the nearly seven months it took to legalize the ride-sharing service Uber in New Orleans, the main argument in favor it was also a slam against the current New Orleans taxi industry: There aren't enough reliable rides in town.
Gambit  |  Jeanie Riess  |  09-30-2014  |  Transportation

Same-Sex Marriage in Louisiananew

A setback for same-sex marriage proponents, but plaintiffs vow an appeal.
Gambit  |  Kevin Allman, Clancy DuBos and Alex Woodward  |  09-10-2014  |  LGBT

Same-Sex Marriage in Louisiananew

A lawsuit in federal court is challenging the state’s ban on same-sex marriage.
Gambit  |  Alex Woodward and Kevin Allman  |  07-03-2014  |  LGBT

"NOLA Needs Uber" — or does it?new

How the New Orleans City Council is planning to overhaul transportation laws and fees.
Gambit  |  Jeanie Riess  |  06-27-2014  |  Transportation

How will Obamacare affect musicians?new

Jef Rouner looks at the Affordable Care Act in action for Houston artists.
Gambit  |  Jef Rouner  |  05-06-2014  |  Health

Louisiana legislators prepare to regulate e-cigsnew

Alex Woodward reports that a smoking ban seems off the table this year, but Baton Rouge is taking a look at electronic cigarettes
Gambit  |  Alex Woodward  |  04-01-2014  |  Health

The Grass Menagerienew

Marijuana use is largely kept in the dark in Louisiana, but lawmakers will consider a number of pot reform laws this year.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  03-10-2014  |  Drugs

LGBT Legislation in Louisiananew

The latest on gay rights bills being introduced in Baton Rouge.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  03-03-2014  |  LGBT

Why New Orleans Doesn't Have Ubernew

New Orleans resists alternatives to traditional taxi cabs.
Gambit  |  Jeanie Riess  |  02-05-2014  |  Transportation

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