AltWeeklies Wire
A Funkier Winkerbeannew
Life, death and time travel in the most real fictional world on the funny pages, courtesy of Tom Batiuk, creator of "Funky Winkerbean."
Cleveland Free Times |
James Renner |
06-20-2007 |
Tags: visual arts
Deflowering Barbienew

The transformation from perfect to tawdry occurs with shocking speed.
Cleveland Free Times |
Erin O'Brien |
04-18-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Big Girl Shoesnew

The night gets deeper and hazier; ankles get wobbly; straps get loose.
Cleveland Free Times |
Erin O'Brien |
03-21-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
This ain't a thing, it's a goddamn time-waste.
Cleveland Free Times |
Jara Anton |
03-14-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Perversion of Judgmentnew

Mary Magdelen and a judge named Punch are key players in the custody battle that has many asking, Why a goat?
Cleveland Free Times |
Michael Gill |
05-31-2006 |
The Kent State Conspiraciesnew

What really happened on May 4, 1970?
Cleveland Free Times |
James Renner |
05-04-2006 |
Tags: history