AltWeeklies Wire
Birmingham's Outdoor Dining Scenenew
While chandeliers and decorated walls are nice, nothing beats the twinkle of a cityscape as the backdrop for an impeccable dinner. Luckily, there are plenty of places to dine al fresco in Birmingham.
Birmingham Weekly |
Molly Folse |
06-23-2009 |
Tags: Birmingham, food & drink
NCAA Puts Alabama Football Back on Probationnew
The NCAA has levied a three-year probation against the University of Alabama athletic department and forced the school's football team to vacate 21 past victories as punishment for a wide-scale scandal involving student-athletes and textbooks.
Birmingham Weekly |
Matt Hooper |
06-23-2009 |
Alabama Baseball and a Long Night's Journey into Daynew
Two sports reporters' heroic efforts to liveblog the eleven-inning Alabama/South Carolina baseball game during the SEC Tournament, featuring references and metaphors ranging from Aqua Teen Hunger Force to the works of Joseph Conrad.
Birmingham Weekly |
Matt Hooper |
06-02-2009 |
Birminghamians Embark on the BABE Rallynew
Imagine for a moment that you have the chance to participate in a real-life version of Cannonball Run, traveling across the country with friends in a race across America's highways. Now take away the beautiful cars, and replace them with vehicles that must have been purchased for under $500. Still sound like fun?
Birmingham Weekly |
Kenn McCracken |
06-02-2009 |
Tags: Birmingham, BABE Rally
How Bad Was that Lane Kiffin Hire?new
Fans across the country are still scratching their heads as to why the University of Tennessee hired Lane Kiffin to replace the legendary Phil Fulmer as head football coach. But is he the worst hire in the modern era of the Southeastern Conference? Let's break it down and find out.
Birmingham Weekly |
Matt Hooper |
05-05-2009 |
Anthony Grant Tapped as Bama's New Basketball Coachnew
Anthony Grant, a 42-year-old coaching prodigy, was officially introduced last Sunday as the the University of Alabama's new men's basketball coach, replacing the terminated Mark Gottfried and interim coach Phillip Pearson.
Birmingham Weekly |
Matt Hooper |
04-14-2009 |
Photo Exhibit Reveals Unseen Alabamiansnew
The familiarity of the faces that fill each frame in "Just Down the Road" accounts for most of what makes this photo exhibit so engaging.
Birmingham Weekly |
Glenny Brock |
04-14-2009 |
Terry Bowden Ends His Decade-Long Coaching Sabbaticalnew
Terry Bowden, the scion of coaching legend Bobby Bowden and the former head coach at Auburn University from 1993 until 1998, takes over the reigns at the University of North Alabama in Florence.
Birmingham Weekly |
Matt Hooper |
02-03-2009 |
The Fischer Kingnew
Burying an American chess master.
Birmingham Weekly |
Courtney Haden |
01-28-2008 |
Digesting 'Man Food'new
New history book highlights recipes from the iron trade.
Birmingham Weekly |
Glenny Brock |
01-14-2008 |
Postsecrets and Livesnew
How (and why) thousands of strangers bare their souls to Frank Warren on postcards.
Birmingham Weekly |
Molly Folse |
12-03-2007 |
Lost on the Georgia Wine Highwaynew
Ernest Hemingway said a bottle of wine makes good company -- but just for good measure I took along some Lucinda Williams recordings so I would feel like I had someone to talk to.
Birmingham Weekly |
Stephen Humphreys |
09-24-2007 |
Jeremy Harper's One to a Million Shotnew
He's going to count to a million live on his website ( -- as far as anyone can tell, this has never been done before.
Birmingham Weekly |
Kyle Whitmire |
06-25-2007 |
Working the Lines: Jo Dee Bucki, 'Lady Fisher'new
Bucki makes a big splash in a man's sport.
Birmingham Weekly |
Glenny Brock |
04-03-2007 |
Tags: sports & fitness
Fishing Makes Waves as Serious Sportnew
With hoops cresting, NASCAR revving and football, always football, percolating in a fan's mind, one might dismiss the Bassmaster Classic fishing tournament as trash sport -- one would then be a doofus.
Birmingham Weekly |
Courtney Haden |
02-26-2007 |
Tags: sports & fitness