AltWeeklies Wire

Making Democracy Safe

As the latest and greatest excuse for going to war is to make Iraq safe for democracy,and as another political scandal befalls Washington’s insiders, the ghost of Mencken may still be asking, “is our democracy safe for the world?”
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  01-11-2006  |  Commentary

Next Stop – Impeachment!

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and our problem of late has been that this republic has been too frightened to be vigilant.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  12-22-2005  |  Commentary

Wiretapping Increases Pressure for Impeachment

By authorizing spying in America without a warrant, President Bush has apparently violated the Constitution as well as specific federal law, an impeachable offense, critics say.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  12-22-2005  |  Politics

Journalists Should Expose Secrets, Not Keep Them

The twin issues of government secrecy and civil liberties have burst into flames. The big spark came when The New York Times reported that domestic spying by the National Security Agency has been going on for years on the orders of President Bush.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  12-22-2005  |  Commentary

Announcing the P.U.-litzer Prizes for 2005

Here are the 14th annual P.U.-litzer Prizes, awarded for the foulest media performances of 2005.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  12-20-2005  |  Commentary

Making a Distinction Between 'Terrorists' and 'Insurgents'

Journalists are not supposed to participate in twisting words for propaganda effect. Yet too many reporters for American news outlets have allowed their work to slide in that direction.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  12-09-2005  |  Commentary

When Free Speech Is Called Treason

What does it mean when the President's political surrogates start calling critics of the Iraq war traitors for speaking freely? If exercising our Constitutional rights of free speech is treason under these circumstances -- as some on the right maintain -- then let us all stand guilty!
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  12-09-2005  |  Commentary

Scant Coverage of Air War in Iraq Debate

Public discussion assumes that reducing the number of American troop in Iraq will mean a drop in the Pentagon’s participation in the carnage. But it ain’t necessarily so.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  12-01-2005  |  Commentary

Hiding in Red China

It is curious that both the governor of California and President Bush went to China at exactly the same time and for likely the same reason. Both men were ducking scrutiny of their political setbacks.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  11-28-2005  |  Commentary

Woodward Saga Has Become a Sad Story

More than 30 years after making history as half of the Washington Post duo that broke open the Watergate scandal, Bob Woodward is in a fight to save his reputation as a trustworthy journalist. Judging from his recent appearance on CNN’s Larry King Live, it may be a losing battle.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  11-28-2005  |  Commentary

Media Version of Thanksgiving Is Short on Reflection

Like our own responses to Thanksgiving, the repeated media messages are apt to be contradictory. Answers to basic questions run the gamut: How much time and money should we spend on the holiday dinner compared to helping the less fortunate?
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  11-18-2005  |  Commentary

The Road Back From Darkness

California voters' reaction to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's musclebound ego may end up being what stops the Republican neo-con march into darkness.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  11-14-2005  |  Commentary

Muting Protest Songs on the Airwaves

The hardest-hitting civil rights and antiwar songs of the 1960s were relegated to the then second-tier FM dial. Today, broadcasters with the most powerful signals are still cautious about playing any song with a political message.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  11-14-2005  |  Commentary

Reality Bites Back

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s superhero posturing seems to have run out of steam, but will voter apathy save him?
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  10-28-2005  |  Politics

At the White House, the Spin Doctor Is Ill

While indictment fever gripped the Washington press corps in October, the president's spin doctor was incapacitated. An ailing Karl Rove could not help the Republican search for a media cure.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  10-28-2005  |  Commentary

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