At the White House, the Spin Doctor Is Ill
While indictment fever gripped the Washington press corps in October,
the president’s spin doctor was incapacitated. An ailing Karl Rove could
not help the Republican search for a media cure. With temperature rising,
the political physician was in no position to cure himself or anyone else.
Now, a media siege is underway at the White House. A dramatic
convergence of legal proceedings and presidential politics has forced the
Bush administration into a fundamentally defensive crouch.
A year ago, when President Bush hailed him as the political
strategist who made a second term possible, Rove was the toast of
Washington. Now -- even though he hasn’t been indicted -- it seems he’s
In Washington, where nothing succeeds like political success, an
election victory is widely seen as proof of justification. Strip away the
razzle-dazzle, and you’re left with a rather simple precept: Whatever
And, for almost five years, the Rove media operation worked. From
maximal exploitation of 9/11 for political gain to the “Swift Boating” of
John Kerry, the presidential spin machinery wrapped George W. Bush in the
flag and threw plenty of mud at opponents.
This is a classic real-life tale of personal and global overreach.
Riding high with power and media clout, those at Washington’s pinnacle saw
no reason to be bound by political niceties or reality-based policies. If
you want to fix the wagon of a critic who has the temerity to expose the
falsity of a claim about Iraq seeking enriched uranium, let the knives fly
behind a screen of source confidentiality. If you want to invade Iraq,
just keep insisting that weapons of mass destruction in that country are
beyond any reasonable doubt.
These days some very negative coverage for Karl Rove and I. Lewis
Libby, the vice president’s (now former) chief of staff, is coming from
many of the same journalists who avoided publicly criticizing them while
they ran amok behind the scenes. But, to the self-fulfilling political
cliche that “perception is reality,” add this caveat: Sometimes the
ultimate smart guys end up outsmarting themselves.
In this real-time Shakespearean drama, Rove and Libby are more than
bit players -- but they’re certainly not the lead characters. Serving the
GOP’s top two elected officials, Rove and Libby are no rogue elephants.
News stories and commentaries should begin to explore this scandal
with questions about George W. Bush and Dick Cheney that echo the
Watergate era: What did they know and when did they know it? Was there a
coordinated coverup -- and, if so, how high did it go?
Media coverage of the White House will be at least a little more
adversarial in the months ahead. Yet we shouldn’t expect the president’s
PR aides to become less evasive. Karl Rove did not invent audacious media
spin, and there’s no reason to believe that the sidelining of Rove augurs
well for candor from the White House.
The “outing” of Valerie Plame as a CIA agent was an attempt to damage
her husband, former ambassador Joe Wilson, after he challenged the
validity of the administration’s pre-invasion claims about WMDs in Iraq.
The smokescreen effort to hide the source of the leak occurred in the
context of a series of deceptions related to the war.
Future media coverage of this huge story will be meaningful to the
extent that news outlets look beyond the individuals in this scandal and
consider the historic chain of events that allowed the president to spin
the country into war. If the reporting treats the leak of Plame’s name as
an isolated incident, the frame for the media picture will be confining.
But if the journalistic scope includes the sequence of events that led to
the leak, the coverage has the potential to be illuminating.
The war in Iraq is a horrific consequence of President Bush’s
determination to launch an invasion. That determination repeatedly led to
false claims about Iraq -- claims that Bush insisted were certainties.
Now, media coverage should clearly explain how the scandal engulfing the
White House has its origins in a propaganda campaign for war.
Norman Solomon is the author of the new book “War Made Easy: How
Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death.” For information, go to: