AltWeeklies Wire

Paging Dr. Bearclaw: Josh Bazell’s Debut Novelnew

Mash up the best scenes of Dexter, House and The Sopranos, and Beat the Reaper is what you get.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Michael Benninger  |  02-04-2009  |  Fiction

Neil Gaiman on Whether You Should Take Your Kids to See 'Coraline'new

Coraline is like much of Gaiman’s work—inventive, funny and kinda scary, putting ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Anders Wright  |  02-04-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Wavves of Successnew

His new band is only a few months old, but Nathan Williams may represent the next generation of San Diego music.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Todd Kroviak  |  02-04-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Folks Hoping to Start a Community Garden in San Diego Are Closer to Farmnew

Two years since the International Rescue Committee set out to start the New Roots Community Farm in San Diego's City Heights, the first physical sign of progress came into view: a chain link fence.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Rebecca Tolin  |  02-04-2009  |  Food+Drink

Feeling Left Outnew

Advocates for low-income communities wish the stimulus wish list wasn't so skewed toward wealthier neighborhoods.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Kelly Davis  |  02-04-2009  |  Economy

Why Does it Take $46K to Start a Community Garden in San Diego?new

The nonprofit International Rescue Committee never thought it would spend $46,000 to get permits for an organic garden on the stretch of unused, city-owned land. They figured that the city surely would want folks to farm the land, in the name of food security.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Rebecca Tolin  |  01-14-2009  |  Gardening

The Walkmen Finally Hit a Musical Stridenew

Where in the past it might have seemed that The Walkmen were always on the brink -- either of collapse or making a masterful musical statement -- they now seem destined to keep reinventing themselves.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Scott McDonald  |  01-14-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Defiance': Tough Jewsnew

Edward Zwick's Holocaust film lacks subtlety -- and that's exactly why it's likely to be a crowd-pleaser.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Anders Wright  |  01-14-2009  |  Reviews

Three Mile Pilot Never Broke Up -- They Just Took a 10-Year Breaknew

Inside the history, hiatus and return of one of San Diego's most beloved acts.
San Diego CityBeat  |  AnnaMaria Stephens  |  01-14-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

There's Not Much Hand-Wringing in San Diego GOP Circlesnew

Beneath the hullabaloo of the upcoming presidential inauguration can be heard a hearty debate over the direction of the Republican Party -- just not in San Diego.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Eric Wolff  |  01-07-2009  |  Politics

Darren Aronofsky Talks About Mickey Rourke's Comeback in 'The Wrestler'new

In the 1980s, Rourke was one of his generation's best actors, but he ditched the movies to try to make it as a pro boxer. When he discovered he needed Hollywood, it no longer needed him. Even director Darren Aronofsky was initially skeptical.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Anders Wright  |  01-07-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

To Shmeat or Not to Shmeat: Carcass Consumption vs. Dr. Frankenmeatnew

PETA argues that fake meat has the potential to eliminate the raising of animals for human consumption, while allowing those with a taste for tissue to continue enjoying their favorite meaty delicacies. Sounds like a win/win, but there are obstacles to replacing meat with shmeat, not least of which is widespread distaste at the very thought of a Frankenfurter or test-tube steak.
San Diego CityBeat  |  D.A. Kolodenko  |  12-17-2008  |  Food+Drink

San Diego Area Officials Can't Wait to Get Their Hands on Federal Moneynew

Should President Barack Obama and the Congress follow through on their proposal to stimulate the economy by putting people to work on, say, large transit projects, bloodletting over where the money is spent in San Diego County likely won't be a big part of the process.
San Diego CityBeat  |  David Rolland  |  12-17-2008  |  Economy

Hollywood Undead Dig Up a Music Genre That Was Better Left Buriednew

The real question is not about the band's originality, but, rather, is it too soon for nü-metal to be cool again? Judging by Hollywood Undead's success, the answer seems to be "no."
San Diego CityBeat  |  Seth Combs  |  12-17-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Time for the Military's Gay-Purging Policy Has Come and Gonenew

As Barack Obama has said, Don't Ask, Don't Tell is counterproductive, particularly in wartime -- and thanks to the reckless foreign policies of our extremely lame lame-duck president, which has stretched our forces nearly to the snapping point, the U.S. military needs all the able-bodied men and women it can get.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Editorial  |  12-10-2008  |  LGBT

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