AltWeeklies Wire

The Shelter Shufflenew

Inside San Francisco's confounding system of housing the homeless.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Amanda Witherell  |  02-13-2008  |  Housing & Development

Using Biodiesel is Win-Win Situationnew

The newly established SFGreasecycle picks up used fats, oils, and grease at no charge from wherever people are willing to spare them. The list currently comprises mostly eateries, but also households, high schools, a synagogue, and museums. By the beginning of 2010 it aims to collect 100,000 gallons of grease per month.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Rachel Stern  |  01-23-2008  |  Environment

Maybe All Clones Should be Labelednew

Some are debating whether they will eat cloned meat, but do they know a fertility researcher and a biotech company investor are busy cloning themselves?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  01-23-2008  |  Animal Issues

Rebel Women in Chiapasnew

A report from the Zapatista Women's Encounter.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  John Ross  |  01-09-2008  |  International

SF Zoo Tiger Fiasco Was a Tragedy Waiting to Happennew

When I look at this story through the lens of a behaviorist, I think about the traits of various human subspecies -- politicians, bureaucrats, managers, spin doctors, journalists, self-proclaimed experts, and supposed guardians of health and safety. Frankly, I am not impressed.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Craig McLaughlin  |  01-09-2008  |  Animal Issues

Godzilla vs. Mothranew

How monumental estimates of a tiny invasive moth's economic and environmental impacts are threatening San Francisco with aerial spraying.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Sarah Phelan  |  01-03-2008  |  Environment

More Media Consolidation on the Waynew

Single corporations can now dominate media in the top 20 markets.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Amy Hough  |  01-03-2008  |  Media

Can Burning Man Leave a Legacy of Renewable Energy?new

Last month, a 90-kilowatt solar array -- some of which was used to power the eponymous Man at last year's event -- was placed in the town of Gerlach, Nev., as a donation to the Washoe County School District. It will give the school free, clean power for the next 25 years, saving the district about $20,000 annually.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones  |  01-03-2008  |  Environment

Bay Area Journalists are Switching Sidesnew

Newspaper shake-ups are leading former journos to the dark side of media relations.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  G.W. Schulz  |  12-28-2007  |  Media

Humans Are Dogs & Even Monkeys Can Do Mathnew

Two new studies of animal intelligence caught my attention last week because they prove that humans are no better than dogs and monkeys. This is something I've always felt to be true on an anecdotal level, and now cognitive science backs me up.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  12-19-2007  |  Science

Homes for Whom?new

In San Francisco, affordable housing is shaping up to be the big political issue of 2008.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Sarah Phelan  |  12-19-2007  |  Housing & Development

Is Childbirth Bad for the Earth?new

I'm drawn to the childless life for a number of reasons, and reading the International Panel on Climate Change reports released this year has given me one more.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Amanda Witherell  |  12-19-2007  |  Environment

Housing: The Urbanist Approachnew

Not one more inch of farmland in California would need to be developed if we were just willing to put growth inside existing cities.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Gabriel Metcalf  |  11-28-2007  |  Housing & Development

Mission to Caracasnew

Hugo Chavez snubs journalists at convention.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Bruce B. Brugmann  |  11-28-2007  |  International

A Question of Intentnew

As lawsuits and regulators probe Lennar Corp.'s negligent approach to development, a new campaign seeks to give the embattled corporation even more control over San Francisco.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Sarah Phelan  |  11-28-2007  |  Housing & Development

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