AltWeeklies Wire

Fearless Particlesnew

Multi-strand narratives have to connect in the end, and despite his skilful, intriguing set-up, Cole's Particles fails to cohere into a whole.
NOW Magazine  |  Susan G. Cole  |  09-15-2006  |  Fiction

Giuliani Exposednew

Out of the smoke and death at ground zero, one deeply flawed man climbed so high he might be able to run for president.
NOW Magazine  |  Howard Goldenthal  |  09-08-2006  |  Nonfiction

Food for Thoughtnew

When Wal-Mart's charisma-challenged CEO starts touting organic food, you know the stuff is no longer the domain of back-to-the-land hippies.
NOW Magazine  |  John Dicker  |  08-04-2006  |  Nonfiction

Fierce Beastsnew

The stories in this collection are somewhat disturbing, offering a caustic look at the plight of angry young guys across Canada.
NOW Magazine  |  Zoe Whittall  |  05-25-2006  |  Fiction

Holocaust Hauntsnew

By piecing together her past in drawings and words, Eisenstein begins to understand how being a child of Holocaust survivors has made her the person she is.
NOW Magazine  |  Susan G. Cole  |  05-18-2006  |  Nonfiction

Back in Timenew

Lesbiana's best novelist tries a major experiment in The Night Watch -- a backwards narrative.
NOW Magazine  |  Susan G. Cole  |  04-06-2006  |  Fiction

A for Zednew

Zed is the definition of provocative, if you can handle it -- and you should try.
NOW Magazine  |  Zoe Whittall  |  03-30-2006  |  Fiction

Lest We Forgetnew

Feminism lives in this new book.
NOW Magazine  |  Susan G. Cole  |  03-30-2006  |  Nonfiction

Liberated at Lastnew

Grossman, a long-forgotten chronicler of the cruellest years of the bloodiest war in history, turned slaughter to literature in simple and shattering terms.
NOW Magazine  |  Howard Goldenthal  |  03-16-2006  |  Nonfiction

Error-Prone Snobnew

Kamp's new book smells like a publisher-mandated sequel, and it doesn't work as well as his the Rock Snob's Dictionary.
NOW Magazine  |  John Harkness  |  03-02-2006  |  Nonfiction

Dull Dancingnew

Bert Williams is one of the most fascinating characters in American black history, but this novel based on his life doesn't reflect that.
NOW Magazine  |  Graham Duncan  |  02-23-2006  |  Fiction

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