AltWeeklies Wire

Strange Bedfellowsnew

Ever since Little Richard sang "awop-bop-a-loo-mop alop bam boom," the greatest rock-and-roll artists have spoken their own language. Add System of a Down to that honor roll.
Boston Phoenix  |  Ted Drozdowski  |  12-12-2005  |  Reviews

Boxing Decadesnew

The box is the big kahuna of the nostalgia factory — the rare opportunity for the A&R folks to make a statement about an artist, a style of music, or, best of all, an entire era.
Boston Phoenix  |  Matt Ashare  |  12-09-2005  |  Reviews

Chris Whitley 1960 - 2005new

On November 20, lung cancer claimed singer-songwriter Chris Whitley, whose most recent albums seemed like stream-of-consciousness excursions through his brain and heart, albeit cloaked in tales of lost souls.
Boston Phoenix  |  Ted Drozdowski  |  12-08-2005  |  Music

When the Boss Became 'The Boss'new

Born To Run is the frozen moment in time for many Bruce Springsteen fans. In Wings for Wheels, a documentary included with Columbia's reissue of BTR, Springsteen describes the album as the sound of "one endless summer night."
Boston Phoenix  |  Joyce Millman  |  12-08-2005  |  Reviews

Beatle Zanianew

Wisconsin-based Beatallica are ruining the Beatle cover-band racket.
Boston Phoenix  |  Matt Ashare  |  12-06-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Heartland Homegirlnew

Brandi Carlile's debut CD offers countrified comforts peppered with a few surprises: warm, sturdy, languorous folk-pop guided by strummed acoustic guitars and a gentle rhythm section with an alt-country lilt.
Boston Phoenix  |  Michael Alan Goldberg  |  12-05-2005  |  Reviews

John Lennon 1940-1980new

The cover of the Dec. 16, 1980, issue of the Boston Phoenix was meant to be the annual holiday supplement. But the assassination of John Lennon sent the staff scrambling for a replacement. The paper marks the 25th anniversary of Lennon's death with an online reprint of its original coverage and tribute.
Boston Phoenix  |  Michael Gee, Kit Rachlis and the Phoenix staff  |  12-02-2005  |  Music

For Better and Worsenew

It's time to give Donovan his due. Often dismissed, he was, when he was good, both distinct and representational, a performer who ingested and then reflected the temper of the times.
Boston Phoenix  |  Richard C. Walls  |  12-02-2005  |  Reviews

Substance Abusenew

The English band Darkness’s second album, One Way Ticket to Hell . . . And Back , continues the English band's unblinking voyage into the preposterous.
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  12-02-2005  |  Reviews

Womanly Worknew

Kate Bush has always made music that could have sprung only from a female psyche. Aerial is a mysterious, meditative work reminiscent of Joni Mitchell.
Boston Phoenix  |  Joyce Millman  |  11-30-2005  |  Reviews

The Kingnew

Some fans moan that B.B. King — the most influential guitarist of the 20th century — has been coasting for years, but as long as he can work a magic that only the greatest musicians possess, that’s nitpicking.
Boston Phoenix  |  Ted Drozdowski  |  11-30-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Good Sportsnew

Broken Social Scene are the indie-rock Funkadelic.
Boston Phoenix  |  Camille Dodero  |  11-30-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

New Standardsnew

Gold Sounds, a collection of Pavement songs performed by accomplished jazz musicians, dramatizes the absence of new "standards" -- contemporary pop songs on which to improvise.
Boston Phoenix  |  Jon Garelick  |  11-22-2005  |  Music

Found Soundsnew

Thirty-two years after Gary Higgins was shipped off to prison on a marijuana bust, Drag City has resurrected his album Red Hash. Unlike many of his long-haired contemporaries, Higgins brought a spiky elegance to his music.
Boston Phoenix  |  Eliot Wider  |  11-21-2005  |  Reviews

The Hustlernew

50 Cent gets a little less gangsta and a lot more money.
Boston Phoenix  |  Leon Neyfakh  |  11-21-2005  |  Music

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