AltWeeklies Wire

The Quiet Expatnew

Fugazi's Joe Lally finds his muse in the boot.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jason Ferguson  |  02-25-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Kaleigh Baker's Dramatic Debutnew

The jazz singer introduces herself in a big way.
Orlando Weekly  |  Justin Strout  |  02-19-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Yip-Yip Adds Organic Instruments to Their Simplistic Electronicanew

But in their playful, kitschy take on modernism, the real thrust remains the analog synthesizers, which are still aimed at pumping their artificial funhouse with some of the most absurd, scurrying dance music made today.
Orlando Weekly  |  Bao Le-Huu  |  02-11-2008  |  Reviews

Rhyme & Punishmentnew

Loving the Wu means loving your inner masochist.
Orlando Weekly  |  Justin Strout  |  01-28-2008  |  Music

Music Geneticists Mine Individual Tastesnew

Radio used to push musical tastes, but the internet suggests.
Orlando Weekly  |  Chris Parker  |  01-07-2008  |  Music

Orlando Musicians to Watch in '08new

Includes upcoming albums by Christina Wagner, Mumpsy, Solillaquists of Sound and more.
Orlando Weekly  |  Justin Strout  |  01-07-2008  |  Music

Somobe Hits the Backpacknew

Bombs, the Taliban, vague "land collapse"; we need an indie rapper, stat!
Orlando Weekly  |  Justin Strout  |  11-29-2007  |  Reviews

Glass Celebrates Cohen's Returnnew

He's converted Book of Longing into an 86-minute symphony as complicated and macabre as the poet himself.
Orlando Weekly  |  Justin Strout  |  11-29-2007  |  Reviews

Remembering U2's Breakoutnew

Long since resigned to the coffee tables of khaki families or wedged on shelves next to the Bible and The Da Vinci Code, it's easy to forget the widescreen impact of U2's 1987 world-altering breakout.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  11-29-2007  |  Reviews

Reissues Add to the Joy Division Oeuvrenew

Despite improved sonic quality and the inclusion of bonus discs containing full, era-specific live sets, these reissues serve to reinforce what most people already know about Joy Division -- which isn't a bad thing.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jason Ferguson  |  11-02-2007  |  Reviews

Fifteen Minutes of Dissonant Harmonynew

The poem "Vision of the Earth" expresses a golden hope that Keith Lay says he's always felt inside, even as a young boy who knew he wanted to be a composer from the time he was 15 years old.
Orlando Weekly  |  Pat Greene and Lindy T. Shepherd  |  10-26-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

An Intriguing Take on the Misfitsnew

It doesn't take a lot of courage or ingenuity to cover the Misfits -- if you're a punk rock band, that is. Mumpsy, however, is not.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jason Ferguson  |  10-25-2007  |  Reviews

Band of Horses Cements its Stature as Noteworthy New Groupnew

Thanks to Bridwell's distinctive voice and Phil Ek's outstanding production work, the album demonstrates a combination of artistic growth and sonic integrity.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jason Ferguson  |  10-11-2007  |  Reviews

DJ's Disc Lacks the Vibe of the Clubnew

Considering how groundbreaking Rekha's been, it's also puzzling how few surprises she dishes up on the disc.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jason Ferguson  |  10-11-2007  |  Reviews

Robert Wyatt's Voice Remains at the Forenew

That warm, wobbly warble masks an astonishing range, and Wyatt's fluid facility is as engaging as it has ever been.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jason Ferguson  |  10-11-2007  |  Reviews

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