AltWeeklies Wire

Real Geniusnew

DIY sensation Funny Ha Ha operates at the speed of life.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Cheryl Eddy  |  08-10-2005  |  Reviews

A Problem With Principlesnew

Young Democrats, like their party as a whole, still struggle to show integrity on divisive issues.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Marshall Windmiller  |  08-10-2005  |  Politics

No Home Depotnew

In the face of a proposed Home Depot development with 100,000 square feet of parking, Bay Guardian editors wonder what's really driving the development of the economically depressed neighborhood.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  San Francisco Bay Guardian Editors  |  07-27-2005  |  Commentary

A Quiet Crime Spreenew

Matthew Hattabaugh had a simple scheme for getting rich: He opened up a fake bank and started taking deposits. $650,000 later the feds caught up with him. But apparently felony charges didn't even slow him down.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  G.W. Schulz and A.C. Thompson  |  07-20-2005  |  Crime & Justice

Freedom Rocknew

San Francisco filmmaker Liz Nord uncovers Israel's burgeoning punk scene.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Cheryl Eddy  |  07-20-2005  |  Reviews

The Case of the Closetnew

R. Kelly gets crazy in his longest sonic soap opera yet.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Johnny Ray Huston  |  07-13-2005  |  Reviews

Hearst's Hit Mannew

San Francisco Chronicle publisher Frank "Darth" Vega has a secret plan to keep the paper publishing even if there's a strike.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones  |  07-13-2005  |  Media

SF Weekly Cuts Deal with Clear Channelnew

Two anticompetitive chains seek to dominate concert ads.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tim Redmond and Kimberly Chun  |  06-29-2005  |  Media

Is San Francisco Still a Gay Mecca?new

Yeah, pretty much ... but if someday it wasn't, would that be so terrible?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Lynn Rapoport  |  06-21-2005  |  LGBT

Back in Blacknew

Stellar Batman Begins revives a fallen film franchise.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Cheryl Eddy  |  06-15-2005  |  Reviews

Mighty Oceansnew

Well-read and back from the dead, the Go-Betweens opt for the lush life.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Johnny Ray Huston  |  06-15-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Die, Die My Darlingnew

Smokin' Mr. and Mrs. Smith brings Brangelina to the big screen.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Cheryl Eddy  |  06-08-2005  |  Reviews

Sucker Punchnew

Boxing drama Cinderella Man is for die-hard Russell Crowe fans only.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Cheryl Eddy  |  06-01-2005  |  Reviews


Protesters give Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice a San Francisco treat during her speech at the Commonwealth Club.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steve T. Jones  |  06-01-2005  |  International

Electric Lady Bandnew

Sleater-Kinney let loose the classic rock beast within.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Johnny Ray Huston  |  05-25-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

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