AltWeeklies Wire

Particles of Truthnew

Illness documenataries, an unembedded Iraq expose and Al Gore vie for attention in a chilly Sundance market.
The Village Voice  |  Rob Nelson  |  02-02-2006  |  Movies

Who Let the Dog Out?new

Justin Timberlake stars in this testosterone-fueled film.
The Village Voice  |  Rob Nelson  |  02-01-2006  |  Reviews

Friends Without Moneynew

The best fiction entries at Sundance 2006 were also the smallest.
The Village Voice  |  Dennis Lim  |  02-01-2006  |  Movies

Arrested Developmentnew

MTV eats its young and spits them out into the polluted swamp of meta–reality TV.
The Village Voice  |  Joy Press  |  02-01-2006  |  TV

Bubble Economynew

Steven Soderbergh's latest ushers in a new era of narrowing release windows.
The Village Voice  |  Anthony Kaufman  |  01-25-2006  |  Movies

Welcome to the Doll Factorynew

Soderbergh doesn't condescend to middle America, but he doesn't do much of anything else either.
The Village Voice  |  Michael Atkinson  |  01-25-2006  |  Reviews

Plantation Nationnew

Von Trier's redundant Dogville sequel dilutes the vitriol for a didactic tale of democracy gone awry.
The Village Voice  |  J. Hoberman  |  01-25-2006  |  Reviews

On 'the Loss to My Own Heart'new

As Roe v. Wade turns 33, Speak Out: I Had an Abortion wrestles with the experience of abortion.
The Village Voice  |  Courtney E. Martin  |  01-23-2006  |  Movies

Don't Touch the Monkeynew

Love Monkey is yet another uncool sitcom trying to be hip.
The Village Voice  |  Joy Press  |  01-20-2006  |  TV

The Ladies Who Munchnew

A new season of The L Word turns down the titillation and dials up the nuance.
The Village Voice  |  Joy Press  |  01-19-2006  |  TV

Why He Fightsnew

The director of the legendary film traces the history of the military-industrial complex.
The Village Voice  |  Rob Nelson  |  01-19-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Delhi Laughsnew

A funny thing happened on the way to the mosque -- Brooks gets lost in translation.
The Village Voice  |  J. Hoberman  |  01-18-2006  |  Reviews

Tales From the Hoodnew

Boredom abounds in this animated fairy-tale pastiche of "Little Red Riding Hood."
The Village Voice  |  Matt Singer  |  01-11-2006  |  Reviews

Middlebrow Blandnessnew

When compared to this tepid lesbian comedy, Brokeback Mountain is the pinnacle of audacity.
The Village Voice  |  Ben Kenigsberg  |  01-11-2006  |  Reviews

Pew and Crynew

Aidan Quinn stars in The Book of Daniel, a new network drama about desperate Episcopalians.
The Village Voice  |  Joy Press  |  01-06-2006  |  TV

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