AltWeeklies Wire
Split Decisionnew
Clint Eastwood's boxing melodrama doesn't quite live up to its awards-season accolades. But Hilary Swank's effort is a steely knockout.
Seattle Weekly |
Brian Miller |
01-05-2005 |
Critics of Varied Tastes Choose Year's Best Musicnew
Seattle Weekly offers "best of 2004" lists for everyone from metalheads to classical music aficionados.
Seattle Weekly |
Music Writers |
01-03-2005 |
Top 10 List Recognizes Good Storytellingnew
Truth turned out to be less compelling than pure inventiveness in 2004, which explains the critic's No. 1 choice, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Seattle Weekly |
Brian Miller |
01-03-2005 |
Shocking Developments of 2004 in Reviewnew
2004 was the year the Rainier Bear was caught on tape drinking beer until it passed out. It's also the year we learned that cradling a warm laptop computer on your crotch can cause sterility.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
01-03-2005 |
Tags: yearinreview 2004, recount
Rummy, Romanism, and Rebellionnew
Maybe a military coup isn't such a bad idea.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
12-22-2004 |
Twilight of the Gods?new
Off his game, but we hope not out of the competition, Philip Roth can't sustain the premise of his audacious historical rewrite.
Seattle Weekly |
Tim Appelo |
12-22-2004 |
The Phantom Menacenew

Joel Schumacher mucks up Andrew Lloyd Webber. Only his phans will be shocked and disappointed.
Seattle Weekly |
Steve Wiecking |
12-22-2004 |
Murder and Masksnew
Almodovar takes a plunge into film noir, where false identities mean more than the criminal truth.
Seattle Weekly |
Tim Appelo |
12-22-2004 |
Tags: Pedro Almodóvar, Bad Education
De Niro, Stiller, and company stoop to conquer in this aim-low family clash.
Seattle Weekly |
Andrew Bonazelli |
12-22-2004 |
Tags: Jay Roach, Meet the Fockers
Neither Fish Nor Foulnew
Wes Anderson follows his peculiar compass into the shallows, but the movie's still an enjoyable yarn.
Seattle Weekly |
Brian Miller |
12-22-2004 |
The Long Marchnew
On a tireless campaign to find her man, Amélie must again conquer all of France. The ground feels slightly familiar.
Seattle Weekly |
Brian Miller |
12-15-2004 |
Not-So-Fresh Carnagenew
Charles Manson is back -- and past his expiration date.
Seattle Weekly |
Andrew Bonazelli |
12-15-2004 |
Tags: Jim Van Beeber, Manson Family
No Great Shakesnew
The Snicket movie gets the books' look right, if not the fear.
Seattle Weekly |
Tim Appelo |
12-15-2004 |
An Empire of Twonew
Zhang Yimou takes the politics out of his new historical romance. But the movie also feels like opera with the music taken out.
Seattle Weekly |
Brian Miller |
12-15-2004 |
Costco: Company for the Peoplenew
If Wal-Mart represents red-state America's ruthless race to the bottom line, then Costco offers a blue-state alternative. The company is proving Wall Street wrong by adhering to a radical idea: Treating customers and employees right is good business.
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
12-15-2004 |
Business & Labor
Tags: hottopic