AltWeeklies Wire

In the Wingsnew

Franzschubert beat the Brat, eat the chicken and raise the lamb.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  A.D. Amorosi  |  12-18-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Try a Little Tendernessnew

Tony Malaby and Angelica Sanchez marry beauty and brawn in their intense improv sets.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Shaun Brady  |  12-18-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Hood Once Known for its Jazz Clubs Stages Revivalnew

The often raucous weekly jam sessions at Reuben's Marc in East Mount Airy are drawing generations of musicians from across Philadelphia to improv and experiment alongside acclaimed pianist Orrin Evans.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Michael T. Regan and Rick Valenzuela  |  12-18-2007  |  Music

Sex Mob Rulesnew

For the jazz rock vets, the whole world is Downtown.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Shaun Brady  |  12-04-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

It's Been a Hell of a Year for Pop Genius Brian Christinzionew

He's checked in to a mental institution and conquered England with an album nobody in the States has heard.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Patrick Rapa  |  12-04-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Revenge of the Nerdsnew

This is the second-to-last time you will find Ween and They Might Be Giants in the same sentence.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  A.D. Amorosi  |  11-27-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Sturm und Twangnew

Lewis & Clarke explore uncharted territory at the banks of the Delaware Water Gap.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  A.D. Amorosi  |  11-20-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Amy Pickard is Happy ... Her Songs Are Notnew

Pickard has no trouble distinguishing between how she feels when she's compelled to write and how she usually feels these days.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  M.J. Fine  |  11-13-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Metalhead Mezzo Jennifer Roderer Debuts with Opera Company of Philadelphianew

If you ask dramatic mezzo Jennifer Roderer, opera and heavy metal are blood brothers.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  David Shengold  |  11-06-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

On the Couch with Folk Rockers Girlymannew

Of the many changes afoot at Camp Girlyman, drums are the ones you notice right away. As in now there are some.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  John Vettese  |  11-06-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Hail Sinead, the Lord is With Theenew

For all their enduring words, the prophets and psalmists were mad in every sense, raging one minute and appeasing the next. If Sinead O'Connor had been born 2,700 years earlier, she would have fit right in.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  M.J. Fine  |  10-30-2007  |  Reviews

Gillian Grassie Wants You to Hear Her Harp Beatnew

Grassie gives as much respect to singer-songwriters like Joni Mitchell and Ani DiFranco as she does to such harpists as Catriona McKay and Rudiger Oppermann, and she wants to counter the preconception that her instrument's for putting people to sleep.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  M.J. Fines  |  10-30-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Normal Love and Satanized Tamper in God's Domainnew

Both genre-splicing Philadelphia bands deftly combine modern classical, heavy metal and audacious experimental techniques.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Shaun Brady  |  10-16-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

A Van Halen Fan Comes to Termsnew

Despite my aversion to reunion concerts, nostalgia erodes the best of defenses, and I've laid down the cash to see Van Halen.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Shaun Brady  |  10-02-2007  |  Music

Everywhere He Goes, Devendra Banhart Sees Trailsnew

Trying to pin the man down for a normal interview is a bit like trying to send him a postcard -- by the time your message arrives, he's already somewhere else.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  A.D. Amorosi  |  10-02-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

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