AltWeeklies Wire

A History of the Nation's First Order of Black Nunsnew

The Oblate Sisters have published a beautiful pictorial history of their order that serves not only as a handsome souvenir for a religious organization that is approaching its 200th year but also a treasury of rare and fascinating images of African-American history in Baltimore.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Robbie Whelan  |  11-20-2007  |  Books

Matt Taibbi Showa Disgust for Media Establishmentnew

His jabs and swipes at the modern-day booboisie are merciless and incisively written, and a pleasure to read from start to finish -- as visceral as political commentary gets.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Robbie Whelan  |  11-13-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Solar Publishing Brings Environmental Issues to Children's Booksnew

"We want to introduce holistic living in subtle and fun ways to children who typically don't get exposure to different aspects of holistic living, such as vegetarianism, yoga, just being out in nature,"says Robyn Ringgold.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Petula Caesar  |  11-13-2007  |  Books

Where I'm Fromnew

Jay-Z precipitates a Baltimore rumination in this excerpt from The Message: 100 Life Lessons From Hip-Hop's Greatest Songs.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Felicia Pride  |  10-30-2007  |  Excerpts

Like 'The Devil Wears Prada' For Lawyersnew

Chambermaid delivers post-law school ennui without the frayed nerves and student-loan debts endured by lawyers. Better yet, it makes us root for them.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Raymond Cummings  |  10-23-2007  |  Fiction

Epiphanies Rare in 'Dead Boys'new

If you can think of a well-worn male stereotype, it's in here: the gruff ex-con, the bitter drunk, the hopeless junkie, the down-and-out prodigal son, the existentially numb cubicle rat.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Zak M. Salih  |  10-23-2007  |  Fiction

'Storm' Captures More Tales of Fleetwood Mac Dysfunctionnew

Carol Ann Harris' moribund autobiography is a relentlessly insipid read. Her story begins right after the most interesting period in Fleetwood Mac's history: What follows is a largely predictable tale of '70s rock 'n' roll excess.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Richard Vernon  |  10-23-2007  |  Nonfiction


Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Garbibaldi's story should make for a hot read. Unfortunately, Riall's bloodless writing doesn't describe his clearly fascinating life with any kind of colorful detail, as she's chosen to focus on the mundane political machinations behind his public and private expressions of passion, strength, and weakness.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Anne Howard  |  10-23-2007  |  Nonfiction

Michael Collier's Collection Falls Flatnew

It's difficult to say why exactly Maryland's former poet laureate felt the need to publish Make Us Wave Back: Essays on Poetry and Influence, but the end result reads like a dumping ground for academic studies, all-too-brief personal essays, lengthy reportage, and even an interview.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Zak M. Salih  |  10-16-2007  |  Poetry

Portrait of a Nymphnew

Erotica novelist Zane's new advice book, Dear G-Spot: Straight Talk about Sex and Love, offers a glimpse of what it might be like to bang Zane herself.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Makkada B. Selah  |  10-16-2007  |  Fiction

James Case Questions Economistsnew

Through new discussions of market-related competition, he aims to debunk orthodox economic theory as it has developed since Adam Smith's 1776 The Wealth of Nations.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Darcelle Bleau  |  10-16-2007  |  Nonfiction

'The Religion' Turns 16th Century Battles into Fantasynew

Yes, this is airport fiction about an obscure historical military conflict.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Robbie Whelan  |  10-16-2007  |  Fiction

The Value of Semennew

On one hand it's genetic dynamite, an indispensable lifeline to the future for a guy, and on the other hand it's just a step less disposable than other renewable bodily products like mucus or saliva. Lisa Jean Moore explores the contradiction in her academic study Sperm Counts: Overcome by Man's Most Precious Fluid.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Violet Glaze  |  10-16-2007  |  Nonfiction

Blaine Taylor's Bunker Mentalitynew

As Ken Burns' latest monolith airs on PBS, a Maryland writer shows human side of different front.
Baltimore City Paper  |  John Barry  |  10-09-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

'Naked on the Internet' Looks at Risks and Restrictions of the Internet's Pornographic Gazenew

Though the title implies some To Catch a Predator moralizing, what's found inside is just the opposite: a guide for women considering breaking into sex blogging or other online sex specialties.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Raymond Cummings  |  10-09-2007  |  Nonfiction

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