AltWeeklies Wire

Nothing Inviting About Indie-Jazz Albumnew

As much of a downer as it is, The Furniture Moves Underneath finds Inhabitants mastering the gloomier side of jazz.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gregory Adams  |  02-01-2008  |  Reviews

Rat Silo Returns With Stripped-Down Rocknew

Some of Rat Silo sounds excellent and some of it seems as if it would benefit from a bigger budget and tighter production. But as the aforementioned bio warns, “Don’t expect the next one to sound exactly like this one.”
The Georgia Straight  |  John Lucas  |  02-01-2008  |  Reviews

Done With a Triple-Grande Caramel Macchiatonew

At its best, In Lights delivers catchy doses of postgrunge pop-rock that sound like every band signed to 604 Records.
The Georgia Straight  |  Lucas Aykroyd  |  02-01-2008  |  Reviews

MGMT Signs With Major Labelnew

The just-released debut album Oracular Spectacular has been MGMT’s official ticket to the twilight zone.
The Georgia Straight  |  Mike Usinger  |  01-31-2008  |  Music

Cave Singers' Americana Spans Generation Gapsnew

The airy simplicity of Invitation Songs demonstrates the group's generation-spanning appeal; the band's sound will resonate with neofolkies weaned on Devendra Banhart and Will Oldham, as well as older folk fans raised on the traditional American songbook.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gregory Adams  |  01-25-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Gallows Keeps it Old Schoolnew

The U.K. buzz band offers proof that hardcore has finally take root in present-day Britain.
The Georgia Straight  |  Adrian Mack  |  01-25-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Black Mountain: Back to the Futurenew

Vancouver's enigmatic Black Mountain reinvents progressive rock for the Facebook generation.
The Georgia Straight  |  John Lucas  |  01-18-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Dark Side of Croonnew

Success hasn't spoiled Michael Bublé, but it has made the singer more guarded with his answers.
The Georgia Straight  |  Sarah Rowland  |  01-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Blue Rodeo Braves Collaborationnew

For Small Miracles, the veteran singer-songwriters opened up the decision-making process to bassist Bazil Donovan, multi-instrumentalist Bob Egan, drummer Glenn Milchem, and keyboardist Bob Packwood.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alexander Varty  |  01-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Luke Doucet at Home on the Highwaynew

Musical rover Luke Doucet has been on the road since he was a kid, but his internal compass always points him back to Canada.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jennifer Van Evra  |  01-04-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

31 Christmas Siscs from Ho Ho! to Oh No!new

Let's have a little sympathy for Jesus. After all, he sounds like a pretty righteous dude. So it's a pity that we celebrate his birthday every year by singing some truly wretched songs.
The Georgia Straight  |  Staff  |  12-17-2007  |  Reviews

Former Prodigy Michael Kaeshammer Branches Outnew

Suspicious minds might think that Kaeshammer's Days Like These is a calculated attempt to muscle in on Michael Bublé's turf especially since the Toronto-based performer sings on every track, rather than relying on his splashy piano skills.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alexander Varty  |  12-10-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Ewan Pearson Devotes Himself to Eight-minute Butt-shakersnew

His embellishments of other people's songs recall '70s-era pioneers like Walter Gibbons and Patrick Cowley, the guys who basically invented the extended mix not remixes, really, but faithful elaborations of tracks that were already great to begin with.
The Georgia Straight  |  Martin Turenne  |  12-10-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Hiply Unhip Trans-Siberian Orchestranew

As guitarist Al Pitrelli admits over the phone before heading to a sound check in Fresno, California, the success of his decidedly unhip ensemble, the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, goes against all odds.
The Georgia Straight  |  Steve Newton  |  11-30-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Spice Girls: Feminist Saviorsnew

Compared to the starlets of today -- bitch-slapping each other over Good Charlotte's Joel Madden, fighting with coke addiction, flashing their pubeless cooters to generate press -- the Spice Girls seem positively radical.
The Georgia Straight  |  Elaine Corden  |  11-30-2007  |  Concerts

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