AltWeeklies Wire

Durham's affordable housing crisisnew

It would be hard to find a more pointed example of Durham's affordable housing crisis than the situation at Lincoln Apartments: In one week, 200 low-income residents will be evicted from their homes. None of the city's recent initiatives will immediately help them.
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg  |  10-24-2012  |  Housing & Development

A hitch in Raleigh's rail plansnew

Because TTA sold the former Dillon Supply Company buildings to Citrix, DOT will be forced to pay to remove a slice of those structures at some point in the future.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  09-26-2012  |  Transportation

Why I Started the Independent and Why I am Selling Itnew

The mission of the Independent has always been to publish the nation's best alternative journalism; to help build a just community in the Triangle; to create a great workplace for every individual here; and to make a profit doing it.
INDY Week  |  Steve Schewel  |  09-26-2012  |  Media

After the Arab Spring, the Future is Uncertain for Muslim Gay Youthnew

A year and a half after the revolution, gays remain marginalized and excluded from discussions about human rights in the new democratic Tunisia.
INDY Week  |  Anna Blackshaw  |  09-20-2012  |  LGBT

Residents Sue Over Jacked-Up Property Valuesnew

If taxpayers in Roanoke Rapids got burned by The Royal Palace Theatre, then residents of the small, historically African-American community of Brandy Creek were especially torched.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  09-19-2012  |  Housing & Development

DOJ: Alamance County sheriff's office racially profiled Latinosnew

U.S. Department of Justice officials report that Alamance County Sheriff's Office leaders "explicitly" order deputies to target Latinos and "foster a culture of bias by using anti-Latino epithets."
INDY Week  |  Billy Ball  |  09-19-2012  |  Crime & Justice

Racial Profiling in Alamance Countynew

The Alamance County Sheriff's Office arrests double the number of Latinos in traffic stops as non-Latinos.
INDY Week  |  Billy Ball  |  08-14-2012  |  Crime & Justice

Straight talk on Obamacarenew

What will -- and won't -- happen under health care reform.
INDY Week  |  Jonathan Weiler  |  07-16-2012  |  Policy Issues

Undocumented immigrants circumspect about Obama directive on deportationsnew

"We want more than anyone to actually have this to be true and for us not to be played again, so we're not calling this a victory yet."
INDY Week  |  Billy Ball  |  06-27-2012  |  Immigration

Facebook and Amendment 1new

Like twigs and sticks caught in a spring current, social media rafts us together into new solidarities—holy and unholy—in the rapidly emptying channels of its newsfeed.
INDY Week  |  Eva Hayward  |  06-09-2012  |  LGBT

Fracking interests spent heavily to influence N.C. lawmakersnew

The PACs of companies with an interest in fracking contributed to the campaigns of more than 100 N.C. legislators between 2009 and 2011—more than $730,000 in all.
INDY Week  |  Sue Sturgis  |  06-04-2012  |  Energy

A Flak's Guide to Frackingnew

If we were greenwashing professionals, how would we rebrand fracking to make it sound noble, conscientious -- even sexy?
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg  |  06-04-2012  |  Energy

After Amendment 1, local governments weigh health insurance optionsnew

In the Triangle, where more than 60 percent of voters filled in the oval "against" the amendment, a number of progressive local governments offer domestic partner benefits, a practice that presumably will be illegal under the state constitution on Jan. 1, 2013. So what's next?
INDY Week  |  Billy Ball  |  05-17-2012  |  LGBT

How Beauty Pageants View Transwomennew

What does the social acceptance of passing transwomen mean for other transwomen who do not fulfill social expectations of prettiness? Or who do not wish to pass at all?
INDY Week  |  Eva Hayward  |  05-11-2012  |  LGBT

N.C. Amendment 1 Opponents: "Our fight for fairness is not over."new

The Coalition to Protect all NC Families, which led the unsuccessful anti-Amendment 1 campaign, said "No One Wins Tonight in North Carolina."
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  05-08-2012  |  LGBT

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