AltWeeklies Wire

Alex Ross Brings the 'Noise'new

The New Yorker critic surveys the many faces of 20th-century classical music.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Max Goldberg  |  10-17-2007  |  Nonfiction

Podcast: Robert Reich on 'Supercapitalism'new

The former labor secretary talks about about economics, industry, and the pervasive creep of new capitalism's moral degradations.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tim Redmond  |  10-17-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Fast, Cheap, and Out of Controlnew

Former labor secretary Robert Reich examines the heavy price we pay for prospering as consumers in Supercapitalism.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tim Redmond  |  10-17-2007  |  Nonfiction

Lomborg Tells Climate-Change Worrywarts to Chillaxnew

Cool It is more of a distraction than a contribution at a time when environmentalists should be busy promoting solutions, not debunking the carefully crafted fables of Lomborg's dollar-driven theses.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Amanda Witherell  |  09-26-2007  |  Nonfiction

Nelson Peery Surveys His Tenure in the Communist Partynew

While he is forthright about his ethical struggles and political development, there is a staginess to much of the dialogue that transforms plot turns into vehicles for Peery's soul-searching.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore  |  09-20-2007  |  Nonfiction

Is 'The Iran Agenda' a Theocratic Democracy?new

Reese Erlich's book discusses moronic policy, complicated politics, and hopes for the future in Iran.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tim Redmond  |  09-20-2007  |  Nonfiction

'Tearing Down the Gates' Examines School Inequitiesnew

Peter Sacks, a former community college teacher and longtime independent critic of American education, reminds readers that school decline as the class divide increases.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tom Gallagher  |  09-12-2007  |  Nonfiction

Poe Ballantine's Second Book is Full of Whoasnew

The personal essays in 501 Minutes to Christ demonstrate Ballantine's ability to examine his own life harshly but reserve such judgment when looking with kind and interested eyes into the lives of others, no matter how downtrodden, crazy, or corrupt.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Amanda Witherell  |  09-12-2007  |  Nonfiction

'The Great Man' Explores Advanced Agenew

Kate Christensen presents vital characters who challenge typical depictions of the elderly as staid and conservative. These women are complicated, smart, witty, and sexy — even Internet savvy!
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Glen Helfand  |  09-12-2007  |  Fiction

Peter Kuper Has Self-Aware Flashbacksnew

With his unnervingly honest new graphic novel, Stop Forgetting to Remember, New York–based master illustrator Kuper turns in a devastating rendering of his city as it passes the turn of the century — and of a Cheshire cartoonist and his past adolescent meanderings.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Ari Messer  |  09-12-2007  |  Fiction

Tao Lin Goes Down the Rabbit Holenew

Tao Lin takes language and makes it new again, and in doing so makes fiction that reads like poetry.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Marcelo Ballve  |  08-22-2007  |  Fiction

'Freedom Next Time': Tracking Struggles for Justicenew

Agree with him or not, Pilger presents a view widely accepted in much of the world, one the American public ignores at its own peril.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tom Gallagher  |  08-22-2007  |  Nonfiction

Of People and Plastics in Printnew

A funny but humbling exploration of what would happen to New York City if humans were gone, wiped out by a virus or a wizard who perfected a way to sterilize our sperm.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Sarah Phelan  |  07-30-2007  |  Fiction

The Queers Who Came in from the Coldnew

Over the past generation, being gay seems to have lost much of the social radioactivity that exacted terrible human costs, but also generated excitement and gave writers a subject to write about.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Paul Reidinger  |  06-21-2007  |  Books

Kate Schatz Goes Into the Woodsnew

Continuum's 33 1/3 series enters PJ Harvey terrain with the fictional Rid of Me.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Amanda Davidson  |  06-21-2007  |  Fiction

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