AltWeeklies Wire

Nashville Mayoral Candidate Bob Clement Has Some Rowdy Friendsnew

What do Teamster president Jimmy Neal, an Iraqi arms smuggler, a kooky Indian evangelist who was sued for allegedly defrauding charities and a Tennessee insurance executive being sued for ripping off old people all have in common?
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  09-07-2007  |  Commentary

Nashville Mayoral Race: Clement Pounds Hot Buttonnew

Bob Clement has found his Willie Horton, and his name is Paul Dennis Reid.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  08-24-2007  |  Politics

Advice Priced Right in Nashville's Mayoral Racenew

What would the Queer Eye guys -- and Dick Morris -- tell Clement and Dean?
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  08-24-2007  |  Politics

'40 Days and 40 Nights'new

In Nashville's mayoral race, Bob Clement compares himself to Jesus while Karl Dean plays rope-a-dope.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan and Jeff Woods  |  08-17-2007  |  Politics

Karl Dean for Mayornew

The Nashville Scene endorses Karl Dean for mayor of Nashville and Diane Neighbors for vice mayor -- now go vote.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  07-27-2007  |  Commentary

Big Mo in Nashville's Mayoral Racenew

As Bob Clement falters, Karl Dean rises on strength of TV ads.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  07-27-2007  |  Politics

Liberal Candidate Does About-face on Illegal Immigrationnew

With a TV ad that began airing this week, David Briley has become the first mayoral candidate to play to the angry anti-immigration crowd in Nashville.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  07-20-2007  |  Politics

Election 2007 in Nashvillenew

The mayoral election is only two weeks away -- we wade through the B.S. so you don't have to.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  07-20-2007  |  Politics

Mayoral Candidate David Briley Goes for Brokenew

He may put his house on the line to keep campaign afloat. Plus: other news from the race in Nashville.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  07-13-2007  |  Politics

(At) Largely Loquacious in Nashvillenew

One at-large Metro Council candidate hopes a wacky theory about the "illegal immigrant invasion" will get him elected.
Nashville Scene  |  P.J. Tobia  |  07-13-2007  |  Politics

Somebody Needs to Fall on His Swordnew

So to avoid a Bob Clement administration in Nashville, we'd argue for throwing idealism -- and either candidate Karl Dean or candidate David Briley -- overboard.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  06-29-2007  |  Commentary

Anybody But Bob Clementnew

Should Karl Dean or David Briley drop out of Nashville's mayoral race to save day the for progressives?
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  06-22-2007  |  Politics

Mayoral News from Nashvillenew

Candidates promise to "take the urban plunge" at a forum sponsored by the Nashville Homeless Power Project. Plus: snubbing Kenneth Eaton, the end of a campaign gimmick, and the good 'ole stand-and-wave.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  06-08-2007  |  Politics

Lack of Clergy Support Could Doom Howard Gentry's Candidacynew

Some of Nashville's black preachers have yet to embrace the only black candidate in the mayoral campaign -- but Gentry insists he will eventually win the full support of the pastors, who will play an important role in turning out black voters for the Aug. 2 election.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  05-25-2007  |  Politics

Can Anyone Compete With Bob Clement in TV Ad Wars?new

The former congressman's rivals in Nashville's mayoral campaign are quickly running out of time to raise enough money to wage an effective TV ad campaign.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  04-13-2007  |  Politics

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