AltWeeklies Wire
Epic Intentionsnew

With 63 cities down and 437 to go, artist Timothy Bruehl is painting the world, and nothing can stop him.
San Diego CityBeat |
Kinsee Morlan |
07-14-2011 |
Mailman Memenew

A San Diego letter carrier validates a cliché and captures fleeting Internet fame.
San Diego CityBeat |
Kinsee Morlan |
06-29-2011 |
Society of Petty Journalistsnew

Who watches the watchdogs? Easy: They watch, snarl and bite at each other, ruthlessly. 2,100 pages of internal SPJ emails dating back to January 2011 reveal a fair amount of smack-talk about various media figures, as well as internal politics regarding local board members perceived as not pulling their weight.
San Diego CityBeat |
Dave Maass |
06-03-2011 |
The Vampire Woman of Mexiconew

With two sets of titanium horn implants, permanent fangs and pretty much every square centimeter of her body covered in tattoos, Mexico's "Vampire Woman" has become an instant weblebrity.
San Diego CityBeat |
Enrique Limon |
06-02-2011 |
Tags: Lady Gaga, Mariajose Cristerna
Steampunks by the Seanew

A San Diego subculture hits critical mass.
San Diego CityBeat |
Kinsee Morlan |
05-10-2011 |
Fear of Big Brothernew

He has a brilliant mind, broken kidneys and downtown San Diego's most conspicuous minivan. Is the CIA really out to get Tuan Nguyen?
San Diego CityBeat |
Dave Maass |
04-28-2011 |
One Man's 100 Worldsnew

Ron Miriello sees little worlds in everything. He walks us through his first 50 of 100 globe-inspired sculptures that go on display Feb. 18.
San Diego CityBeat |
Kinsee Morlan |
02-16-2011 |
Ask a Savage Mexicannew

Sex advice from a sexpert hybrid.
San Diego CityBeat |
Enrique Limon |
02-14-2011 |
Tags: Advice
The Gift of Gabbynew

A former Tucson Weekly writer reminisces on covering Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
San Diego CityBeat |
Dave Maass |
01-13-2011 |
Tags: Gabrielle Giffords
Beautiful Precisionnew

Artist Michael Carini wants complete control, but he’s learning to let go.
San Diego CityBeat |
Kinsee Morlan |
01-10-2011 |
Tags: Michael Carini, Tourette Syndrome
Designing Dignitynew

A San Diego architect takes on the challenge of redesigning Friendship Park, a plot of land where the United States ends and Mexico begins.
San Diego CityBeat |
Kinsee Morlan |
12-23-2010 |
The Russia Housesnew

A Dagestani politician isn’t telling the truth about his Wikileak-ed connections to Carlsbad, Calif.
San Diego CityBeat |
Dave Maass |
12-09-2010 |
Dust in the Windnew

Can Mexico’s national sport survive in the U.S. amid increasing animal-welfare regulation?
San Diego CityBeat |
Enrique Limon |
09-29-2010 |
Garden Guerrillasnew

An new breed of unlikely rebels is giving ‘flower power’ a whole new meaning.
San Diego CityBeat |
Enrique Limon |
08-25-2010 |
From Tucson With Lovenew

Checking in with Duke Cunningham halfway through his federal prison sentence.
San Diego CityBeat |
Dave Maass |
08-12-2010 |
Tags: Duke Cunningham